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We are certified by Quebec Vrai in compliance with Canadian government standards for organic agricultural products and do not use synthetic herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, which allows our practice to fall under Canadian standards for growing organic berries.

The reason for doing this is obvious: just read any safety label on any pesticide or herbicide and ask yourself if you want to eat them regardless how small the residue might be. We do not want any of them on the farm. Instead, we carefully select disease-resistant varieties of berry plants, predator insects, and beneficial microorganisms to share soil resources with other plants and crops with pests.  Sharing is indicative of berries’ suitability for eating.

Because our organic berries aren’t treated with waxes or preservatives, they may spoil faster. Also, some berries may look less than perfect—having odd shapes, varying colors, or smaller sizes. All of this is a good indication that they are grown without substances that kill pests and other plants, and we all are not that resistant as them.

Isn’t it common sense that when even pests would not eat berries, why we would?

Our berries cost more than their conventional counterparts. It takes a lot of local labor to replace the work of synthetic killers of plants and pests on berries, berry plants, and in the soil around the plants.

We encourage readers to do their own research on the health benefits of eating organic foods.