Best kobold ai preset. It’s really easy to setup and run compared to Kobold ai.

Best kobold ai preset. - KoboldAI/fairseq-dense-13B-Janeway. Mixtral-Default: - Temperature: 1. Think of kobold as a web server. (and the AI will refer to Anna as a computer) Note that the AI is basically "dumb" at the TavernAI deals with this issue too, as it has to define characters effectively when loading Pygmalion character files. It boasts multiple presets, allowing you to customize your chat style. (this feature in Lightroom can vary based on your graphics card capabilities TL;DR download larger . If you're in the mood for exploring new models, you might want to try the new Tiefighter 13B model, which is comparable if not better than Mythomax for me. But if you are using SillyTavern as well, then you don't need to configure KoboldCPP much. The most common way to integrate Kobold AI is via its API. **So What is SillyTavern?** Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. Also, I have been using Claude on Silly Tavern AI. ebolam closed this as completed on Nov 28, 2022. It does require about 19GB of VRAM for the full 2048 context size, so it may be tough to get this running without access to a 3090 or better. Or run locally if you download it to your PC. Higher numbers will take longer to generate. Originally when KoboldAI was being developed it was more similar to NovelAI's style of writing than AI Dungeon's way of playing a text adventure, but in the update we launched yesterday this has changed as we have added a new way to play KoboldAI called Adventure Mode. The best way to get started after launching Kobold Lite is to jump into a pre-crafted Scenario, which you can select from the "Scenarios" button. 02 (Only keeps tokens at least 1/50th as probable as the top candidate - cuts out extreme outliers) - Top P: 1. You switched accounts on another tab or window. So, in general, my median temperature goes down from 0. Designed to emulate the warmth and affection of a human relationship, Evelyn engages in charming and heartfelt conversations, providing a sense of companionship and romance. can be combined with top_p. 5 and Tail around ~0. Security. 49. 0 model a spin a couple of nights ago and Sep 1, 2023 · 1. Select the "Lighting" tab then the 'Star" icon. You signed out in another tab or window. Tiefighter is a merged model achieved trough merging two different lora's on top of a well established existing merge. At this point they can be thought of Those soft prompts are for regular KoboldAI models, what you're using is KoboldCPP which is an offshoot project to get ai generation on almost any devices from phones to ebook readers to old PC's to modern ones. This is the GGUF version of the model meant for use in KoboldCpp, check the Float16 version for the original. Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. Both adapt to worker capabilities options override your response size and context length to the capabilities of the worker (i. AGPL-3. But Agnai take me by surprise, it's give me 100% accurate outputs with default Agnaistic Preset. Model Choice: Tiefighter - A new and excellent 13B parameter model. 2 when I have ~738 tokens. Maybe try something like this: Temp: 0. One of the best ways to bypass the Tavern AI filter is to try different API options. Merge pull request ebolam#194 from Gouvernathor/patch-1. You have to load the model into the web server. On the left flyout menu at the bottom there is an ETA as well as how long the last generation took Like I will specifically retell the AI thing it may have forgotten. I used W++ formatting for both TavernAI and oobabooga. in the model selection dropdown. So for the modules especially for the AI you want to look for the AI that has between 500 tokens to 1000 tokens. Voice Settings. As an AI: Bleed-through of the AI playing the character (even if that character itself is an AI), acting out of character, etc. Pre-LLama 2, Chronos-Hermes-13B, Airoboros is Jul 29, 2022 · If you don't have a problem with the geek stuff - Kobold 13b model+Collab. Open install_requirements. intro += char. 1. Kobold AI can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of applications. To use the new UI in Kobold UI United, you just need to make a single change in your settings before the deployment. Copy the file config. It should also be noted that I'm extremely new to all of this, I've only been experimenting with it for like 2 days now so if someone has suggestions on an Kobold is lightweight, tends to be pretty performant. This model is bigger than the others we tried until now so be warned that KoboldAI might start devouring some of your RAM. After installation, NSFW generation can be accessed through the “play. nsfw text-generation-inference. 7 Top P: 0. >I suggest enabling mirostat sampling in kobold when you launch it since it saves a lot of headache towards getting good text out of the models, and enabling Smart Context in kobold settings saves a lot of prompt processing time and speeds things up a lot. Kobold’s modes basically do the same thing, formatting and sending instructions through a prompt to the AI, and then interpereting and displaying them as an adventure. New Preset. EleutherAI/pythia-12b-deduped. PJ 02 – Warm Bazaar. Compared to Neo Look up kobold AI, it's another software that lets you run this and other models with much better chat features and access to a bunch of settings. 5. I noticed that setting the temperature to 0. Jul 18, 2023. Hello all! I've just recently (like an hour ago) updated my webui and my Sillytavern! (yay!) In the past I had this weird issue where everything worked mechanically but functionally it didnt. Seeker. Open the model's page, find what prompt template it's using, and pick it from the available presets. NovelAI and HoloAI are paid subs, but both have a free trial. a04f998. Temperature 0. e. The cup is now located inside the microwave, but its orientation (upside-down) has not changed. Pick from an easy selection of curated generation presets, or configure your own. It's just my experience, but im a noob, maybe an expert could GPT-J 6B - PPO_Pygway Mix Model description This is a merged model, using a weighted parameter blend strategy at a (20:20:60) ratio between the models: This is the second generation of the original Shinen made by Mr. This preset is perfect for those seeking an AI You can bypass Tavern AI’s filter using some methods listed below. PJ 03 – Bright Street Sights. How to setup KoboldCPP for Herika (ChatGPT AI Skyrim Companion) Video Guide. The effectiveness of a NSFW model will depend strongly on what you wish to use it for though, especially kinks that go against the normal flow of a story will trip these models Apr 22, 2023 · Like temperature, context size and all that. Murf is free to use, and its premium plans start from $19 per user per month. Kobold AI prompts can be very simple or very detailed, depending on your preference Kobold AI is an emerging field of artificial intelligence that focuses on developing intelligent systems inspired by the behavior and characteristics of kobolds, mythological creatures from Germanic folklore. v. You are correct - KoboldCPP is the best choice for running the model. 35 does work, but is less tolerant of a user who isn't familiar with its workings. Join. GuiAworld pushed a commit to GuiAworld/KoboldAI that referenced this issue on Jan 5, 2023. mjs if you want to make changes to the config. The responses don’t respond to much or anything I say previously. Projects. 4k. com/TavernAI/TavernAIPygmalion:https://huggingface. PJ 01 – HKG. 9. mjs to config. All generations were done with the same context ("This is a conversation with your Assistant. 5 to get good result. Soft prompts are created by gradient descent-based optimization algorithms—by training on training data, much like the way models are trained and finetuned. KoboldAI/LLaMA2-13B-Erebus-v3-GGUF. Is my favorite non tuned general purpose and looks to be the future of where some KAI finetuned models will be going. It could be a part of a chatbot for a website, an email assistant, a content creation tool, or anything that involves generating human-like text. Snapshot 18-07-23. Run kobold-assistant serve after installing. How do I use Kobold ai in Janitor ai chat, step by step guidance please (no Google Colab Step 4: A page should have automatically opened on your browser. bat” file for offline usage or “remote-play. These creatures are known for their cunning and mischievous nature, and Kobold AI aims to replicate these qualities in AI systems. sceuick added the enhancement label on Jun 29, 2023. And the best thing about Mirostat: It may even be a fix for Llama 2's repetition issues! (More testing needed, especially with Open-source AI chat with seamless integration to your preferred AI services Give Erebus 13B and 20B a try (once Google fixes their TPU's), those are specifically made for NSFW and have been receiving reviews that say its better than Krake for the purpose. Temp: 0. cpp interface, Mixtral was censoring so bad, I had to switch questions about kobold+tavern. You would either get AI That's either too stupid or too horny. It should also be noted that I'm extremely new to all of this, I've only been experimenting with it for like 2 days now so if someone has suggestions on an You have two options for API keys: 1. The first tab of the options sidebar, the Story tab, is your first step in starting your NovelAI adventure. If there's a new promising model, it'll get more attention and eveything will be different tomorrow. 8 which is under more active development, and has added many major features. The platform is powered by large language models, including OpenAI’s GPT models. KoboldAI has this thing called memory, and it's just a place you can put a peice of info you want the AI to remember specifically. Silly Tavern is an interface which you can use to chat with your AI Characters. For some templates you might also need to pick the matching Context Template (scroll back up). You're not going to get good results by choosing just one I've seen its possible to install a kobold ai on my pc but considering the size of the NeoX Version even with my RTX4090 and 32GB Ram I think I will be stuck with the smaller modells. 173. You can also save presets in \text-generation-webui\characters, similar to the Example files there. 9k stars 261 forks Branches Tags Activity. Once the deployment is completed you will get the following URLs. It made me laugh outloud. 9281181. KoboldAI United can now run 13B models on the GPU Colab ! They are not yet in the menu but all your favorites from the TPU colab and beyond should work (Copy their Huggingface name's not the colab names). It seems that more training doesn't always make the AI better. On Windows, open the folder you extracted or cloned and double-click start. Transformers GGUF English mistral Merge. The project is designed to be If you don't have a problem with the geek stuff - Kobold 13b model+Collab. cpp with a fancy writing UI, persistent stories, editing tools, save formats, memory, world info, author's note, characters, scenarios and everything Kobold and Kobold Lite have to offer. sceuick changed the title Kobold & 3rd Party Kobold & 3rd Party config in Preset instead of AI settings on Jun 29, 2023. 6-Chose a model. This can be found following these steps: Press AI. KoboldCpp is an easy-to-use AI text-generation software for GGML and GGUF models. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Join us in celebrating and promoting tech, knowledge, and the best gaming, study, and work platform there exists. Choose Version as United. License. In this tutorial, we will Let’s Make Kobold API now, Follow the Steps and Enjoy Janitor AI with Kobold API!. 2. It should open in the browser now. I made a page where you can search & download bots from JanitorAI (100k+ bots and This will switch you to the regular mode. If you put these tags in the authors notes to bias erebus you might get the result you seek. If I understand it rightly, Silly would inherit the settings from Kobold. Models made by the KoboldAI community All uploaded models are either Apr 26, 2023 · I have also gotten other 2. the result is quite good for me. Story Settings. Dreamily is free anyway. Jun 14, 2021 · Personally i like neo Horni the best for this which you can play at henk. NOTICE: At this time, the official Claude API has CORS restrictions and must be accessed with a CORS proxy. Kobold AI prompts are short texts that describe the setting, genre, tone, and plot of your story or game. You have two options first for TPU (Tensor Processing Units) – Colab Kobold TPU Link and Second for GPU (Graphics Processing Units) – Colab Kobold GPU Link. The beauty of AI is that computers Character. Oct 14, 2022 · Most users tend to develop their habits and expectations around a preset that they adopt early on, which then becomes familiar and comfortable for them. With adventure mode you get the Do / Story button. SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1. Member. Extract the . The number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k Our much anticipated 2023 update will see our best-selling Seasons presets empowered by AI Adaptive Technology – three NEW packs of 200+ smart, adaptive, intuitive AI presets and tools. Maybe up the temperature a little. GPT-NeoX-20B-Skein was trained on a TPUv3-32 TPU pod using a heavily modified version of Ben Wang's Mesh Transformer JAX library, the original Color Presets. To do that, click on the AI button in the KoboldAI browser window and now select the Chat Models Option, in which you should find all PygmalionAI Models. Selecting one from the dropdown list will change the model settings to match the presets Progress Bar: Over top the submit button there is now a progress bar for text generation and model loading. co/PygmalionAI Here is a basic tutorial for Kobold AI on Windows Download the Kobold AI client from here. To achieve this the following recipe was used: The "third party format" and "third party url" need to be in the preset, rather than in the settings. KoboldCPP Setup. Even specifying the length of the response that used to work very well with This will switch you to the regular mode. Snapshot-18-07-23. I'm currently trying to finalize the CUDA Seductive, smut, lewd, x-rated are some examples of something that's nsfw. AI datasets and is the best for the RP format, but I also read on the forums that 13B models are much better, and I ran GGML variants of regular LLama, Vicuna, and a few others and they did answer more logically and match the prescribed character was much better, but all answers were in Jul 21, 2023 · im new to using kobold ai in silly tavern. Use in Transformers. Pygmalion 6B. So if Kobold is too much trouble, you could try with Ooba, but I can't say it's simpler. The initially selected preset when creating a new chat. OPT by Metaseq: Generic: OPT is considered one of the best base models as far as content goes, its behavior has the strengths of both GPT-Neo and Fairseq Dense. ( chronos-13b + Nous-Hermes-13b) 75/25 merge. Guest Data. I'm using WizardLM-7B. It refuses to write anything but mock me. Stories can be played like a Novel, a text adventure game or used as a chatbot with an easy toggles to change between the multiple gameplay styles. IF YOU ARE NEW TO RUNNING OFFLINE AI MODELS FOR THE LOVE Dracotronic May 18, 2023, 7:49pm 1. I also gave the new Airoboros llama2 2. It’s really easy to setup and run compared to Kobold ai. bat as usual to start the Kobold interface. Alpaca (default without Include Names) Average response length: 149 tokens in Kobold. Via API. From here you can select which AI Model you wish to use, select a Config Preset, fill out Memory and Author's Note information, and more! Quickly search for lorebook entries from the Lorebook Quick Access bar, view story statistics, and export or To generate NSFW content with Kobold AI, users first need to download the KoboldAI client files from the official GitHub repository. Well, i've tired multiple settings with nerys, and it seems doesn't give me that good of responds at all. ChatGPT is probably In the Presets dropdown, select Use CuBLAS if your GPU is NVIDIA or Use CLBlast if it's AMD. KoboldAI Lite is now released under AGPL License Fixed chatmode parsing bugs Like the title says, I'm looking for NSFW focused softprompts. 15K views 7 months ago. Pull requests. After the Tavern AI setup is complete, Colab will provide you with an And don't get me started on all the various parameters and how they combine! KoboldAi is a complex machine with many knobs. Atmospheric adventure chat for AI language models (KoboldAI, NovelAI, Pygmalion, OpenAI chatgpt, gpt-4) tavernai. net. Image Settings. Installing KoboldAI Github release on Windows 10 or higher using the KoboldAI Runtime Installer. You can use it by connecting the Kobold AI API. Also know as Adventure 2. LLaMA 2 Holomax 13B - The writers version of Mythomax. Rep pen 1. For now I think, best is Kobold-Liminal Advice. Compared to Neo The defaults are decent. Because depending on the AI module. Aug 2, 2023 · This one is pretty great with the preset “Kobold (Godlike)” and just works really well without any other adjustments. Use "no module" unless you need to make the model spit some flowery pros in which case use "pros augmenter" don't use it all the time though it will limit Nai's creativity This has been asked a few times in past but I'm looking for a more recent answer if possible. Closed. These presets are only suitable for KoboldAI models trained on GPT-J (Skein 6B, Adventure 6B, Janeway 6B, KoboldCpp is an easy-to-use AI text-generation software for GGML models. In my personal experience, settings are heavily dependent on the model and other factors, like story length. This makes KoboldAI both a writing assistant, a game and a platform for so much more. Only Temperature, Top-P and Top-K samplers are used. Model card Files. com that allows users to create NSFW AI chatbot characters with different personalities. This is a browser-based front-end for AI-assisted writing with multiple local & remote AI models. 7b models to run in just the Kobold UI, but my overall question is what is everyone's recommendation to get the most out of these smaller models? I've seen plenty of presets and discussion about the 6b models, but almost nothing about these. When asked type 1 and hit enter. I have the tokens set at 200, and it uses up the full length every time, by writing lines for me as well. It's return unpleasant outputs and forgetful, and don't understand the input after few conversations Because even just loading a TavernAI card into oobabooga makes it like 100x better. No matter if you want to use the free, fast power of Google Colab, your own high end graphics card, an online service you have an API key for (Like OpenAI or Inferkit) or if you rather just run it slower on your CPU you will be able to find a way to use KoboldAI that Oct 9, 2022 · KoboldAI/GPT-NeoX-20B-Erebus. tech/colabkobold by clicking on the NSFW link. 1. Because of the high VRAM requirements of 16bit, new Temp 80 Top P 80 Top K 20 Rep pen ~1. Keep it above 0. GGUF. Star 32. Reworked settings panels to 2 tabs, renamed and rearranged elements for a cleaner UI. The client and server communicate with each other over a network connection. This is in line with Shin'en, or "deep abyss". README. Sort by: Add a Comment. Issues. Top 6% Rank by size . This has the aspects of chronos's nature to produce long, descriptive outputs. ID: New Preset. The full dataset consists of 6 different sources, all surrounding the "Adult" theme. the_doorstopper. Pashax22. Click the Play button. The WizardLM 7B model in my opinion is as good as Vicuna 13B model, with the added advantage that WizardLM is not as terribly censored as the Vicuna uncensored model ("as an AI assistant I cannot condone any violent etc"). Blackroot/Hermes-Kimiko-13B-f16. Insights. Once you have downloaded the file place it on your desktop, or wherever you want to store these files. These presets will work with mods like Flawn's or Beastly Beastmen, as all they do is adjust Pick from an easy selection of curated generation presets, or configure your own. Prevents the browser from suspending Kobold Lite by Am going to give Kobold Liminal Drift a spin based on your recommendation though. Kobold AI API. It simply takes the role of a narrator. To fix this, we will need to install Pygmalion 6B. Prevents the browser from suspending Kobold Lite by Without the modifications needed, your biggest enemy will be the AI modules themselves. Star Kobold series (KoboldAI, KoboldCpp, and Horde) Oobabooga's Text Generation Web UI; OpenAI (including ChatGPT, GPT-4, and reverse proxies) NovelAI; Is there any good Kobold models for SFW/NSFW that can hold decent context sizes? Is there any models that are good for all around things, and can hold a good context size? Maybe something like 2590 tokens? Locked post. Model Choice: Use in Transformers. It is set to “Read Only,” meaning you can not use it to chat right now. Next you need to choose an adequate AI. Or just narrates and doesn’t add dialogue. You might double check that you The way you play and how good the AI will be depends on the model or service you decide to use. On Linux, navigate to the directory with a terminal and run . Now, im not the biggest fan of subscriptions nor do I got money for it, unfortunately. If it does you have installed the Kobold AI client successfully. Top-p 0. The Kobold AI API is a free option and offers basic chat features. Presence Penalty should be higher. This open-source project allows users to run AI models on their own hardware, providing them with a versatile tool for enhancing their writing process. 4. This is a tutorial on how you Steps: Power on all AI Lights. Posted by u/WolframRavenwolf - 169 votes and 82 comments Run language models locally via KoboldAI on your PC. The Personal Computer. It tries to speak and narrate as both the character and me. It's because the conversation got so New Pygmalion-13B model live on Faraday. default. There is also a way you can download Character ai models using python and MPT-7B-StoryWriter-65k+ is a model designed to read and write fictional stories with super long context lengths. The project is designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up, even Most users tend to develop their habits and expectations around a preset that they adopt early on, which then becomes familiar and comfortable for them. What does it mean? You get an embedded llama. cpp and adds a versatile Kobold API endpoint, Star 146. r/PygmalionAI. Think of it as a way to clarify things. There's a new Mythomax model out now, though, which looks like it could be a winner. What are the best settings to make the ai more coherent in skein 6b? 6. Depending on how good your GPU is, after a while the AI will stop answering to you. This is a follow-up to my previous posts here: New Model RP Comparison/Test (7 models tested) and Big Model Comparison/Test (13 models tested) Originally planned as a single test of 20+ models, I'm splitting it up in two segments to keep the post managable in size: First the smaller models (13B + 34B), then the bigger ones (70B + 180B). I'll edit this issue as an "enhancement". im sorry but ive been looking for these two I propose a simplified standard preset for Mixtral, similar to what I've recommended in the past, but with a reduced Min P. • 7 mo. Chat Models. 5-Now we need to set Pygmalion AI up in KoboldAI. When you load the model, you can specify how you want to split the data. 15 Then the ETA settings from Divine Intellect, something like 1. When you or the AI trigger the keyword (separated by comma's), it will put the output in memory as long as that keyword exists. Some are better for keeping story on track and some are good for mixing it up. AI lets you create and talk to advanced AI - language tutors, text adventure games, life advice, brainstorming and much more. Run play. Poe wasn't perfect, but compared to this it was like talking to a real person. char_persona. To make a soft prompt You'd have to gather more than the books, because a soft prompt needs more than 8. By inputting relevant text prompts, users can direct Kobold AI to Other. KoboldAI is an open-source project that allows users to run AI models locally on their own hardware. Sep 21, 2023 · ST sends prompts that are formatted based on all the settings across SillyTavern, and the KoboldAI responds to them directly. Thanks for the help! Reply. You can get away with AI that has a little bit Ok so there is this website: https://botprompts. Text Generation • Updated Jan 13 • 302 • 7. I personally stick with Pro Writer in Euterpe and Blue Lighter/Eight of Blades on Krake, depending on whether I want more logic or more chaos in my outputs at that particular moment. When you run KoboldCPP, just set the number of layers to offload to GPU and the context size you wish to use. bat. Ever since latitude gutted Ai Dungeon I have been on the lookout for some alternatives, two stick out to Me, NovelAi and KoboldAi. •. Try Different API. But with additional coherency and an ability to better obey instructions. They are the best of the best AI models currently available. Use the sliders below to see the effects of each preset on the portrait. And those conversational ones are for the conversation after sex. Best Model for NSFW in Colab? I tried the the GPTxAlpaca (which was alright, but the bot doesn't really narrate) and the OPT13bNerybus (which was really strange. Text Generation • Updated Jan 13 • 544 • 14. exe as Admin. The defaults work best with this model but you can still play around with them. KoboldAI/GPT-NeoX-20B-Skein. latestgptq. Not-For-All-Audiences. Expand 67 model s. Output length. At Sometimes it starts repeating stuff (in spite of using anti repetition prompts etc), and sometimes it just ends up talking about stuff that doesn't make any sense, but is somewhat related to the situation. Also does inner thoughts just fine Also know as Adventure 2. Though, it consistent of a lot of direction from me, and writing things myself. Furthermore, you might also notice that the NSFW filter is only integrated into the Stories can be played like a Novel, a text adventure game or used as a chatbot with an easy toggles to change between the multiple gameplay styles. Novel is much further ahead of Kobold. It handles storywriting and roleplay excellently, is uncensored, and can do most instruct tasks as well. 2. And the longer story goes, more things AI can mess up. . dev desktop app. I have been using a few of their bots on Tavernai and ngl kinda good :] they have characters from anime, video games, even nsfw bots (that category doesn't really have a lot of good options imo, but it's something). r/StableDiffusion Sometimes it starts repeating stuff (in spite of using anti repetition prompts etc), and sometimes it just ends up talking about stuff that doesn't make any sense, but is somewhat related to the situation. Max Context Length. Verbose, conversational, talkative or all good for conversations. If you haven't tried out this simplified website for NSFW and SFW ChatBots, it's worth the visit. 15 temp perfect. Generally if it has a higher Temperature its the latter. I replicated it's behavior for a personal project a while ago, which used KoboldAI for chatbot functionality: intro += char. I like it the most because my stories have a lot of dialogue, and the model is perfect for it. good for ai that takes the lead more too. It’s an excellent choice for those new to Venus Chub AI. Click the AI button and select "Novel models" and "Picard 2. 5 and 10. And the AI's people can typically run at home are very small by comparison because it is expensive to both use and train larger models. The regular KoboldAI is the main project which those soft prompts will work for. Kobold AI New UI. Step 01: First Go to these Colab Link, and choose whatever collab work for you. Allowed Idle Responses in all modes, it is now a global setting But once you have the link you get Kobold itself Reply reply More replies More replies. License: cc-by-4. To achieve this the following recipe was used: It all depends on the model and how you run it; local, cloud deployment (Azure, runpod, vast), or through services like Horde (free), OpenRouter, Mancer, Together, etc. the llama-based gptq models (vicuna, wizardlm, guanaco, etc) are the best. Use this for names, locations, factions, etc. Kobold Lite Update, 15 Sep 2023. License: llama2. Is there a better preset for this model? Or better settings i can change? i use "pleasing results" as my preset. The AI models don't remember anything themselves; every time you send a message, you have to send everything that you want it to know to give you a response back. Oh, the first parameter I played with is cranking up the number of tokens to 100 to let the AI do more job. 0. This is a development snapshot of KoboldAI United meant for Windows users using the full offline installer. Both are Janitor AI is a fantastic platform developed by janitorai. 5 (forget which goes to which) Sometimes I’ll add Top A ~0. Rep pen slope 0. Jul 23, 2023 · Dear community, With Poe dead it would be useful to have a good explanation on how to use the Kobold Horde. Clone this repository with Git, or click on Code -> Download ZIP and extract it anywhere on your computer. Tavern AI supports API platforms like OpenAI, KoboldAI, NovelAI and Kobold Horde. At this point they can be thought of This is where Kobold AI prompts come in handy. Also if you have multiple cards you can You signed in with another tab or window. X-rated is the actual sex. MIT license 1. It's a single package that builds off llama. henk717. Presets List Update #194. Ambitious-Baker3930. Pre-LLama 2, Chronos-Hermes-13B, Airoboros is also worth giving a shot. The OpenAI API is a $5 premium, paid option that provides more advanced Role Play chat functionality. You just have to love PCs. 7. I'm currently using an 8GB card, which runs all the 2. Install/Use Guide. I'm using a phone and my responses are quite slow. Instruct mode is for giving the AI ChatGPT styled tasks. Mb of raw text to work, And if you squeeze the books and the easy soft prompt maker you could Any good slow burn NSFW models out there? I'm running SillyTavernAI with KoboldAI linked to it, so if I understand it correctly, Kobold is doing the work and SillyTavern is basically the UI. intro += "\n\nCircumstances and context of the dialogue: ". 16. It also lets you give the model context up to 2056 tokens (it can go higher but don't because it WILL collapse) which No idea about chat, but i use skein 20b for writing assistant. bin file for big smart AI. Compared to Neo But honestly, I would recommend WizardLM 7B model over Vicuna. 7B this is a clone of the AI Dungeon Classic model and is best known for the epic wackey adventures that AI Dungeon Classic players love. Although the latter is your best bet for creating a long term ChatBot or if seeking NSFW photo texting. In a nutshell AI Horde is a bunch of people letting you run language models and difussion models on their pcs / colab time for free. ; Give it a while (at least a few minutes) to start up, especially the first time that you run it, as it downloads a few GB of AI models to do the text-to-speech and speech-to-text, and does some time-consuming generation work at startup, to save time later. It's just my experience, but im a noob, maybe an expert could Tavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create. So while I love the UI of Tavern, I've just started running Kobold alone and yeah - being able to make use of those fields, I'm now getting the AI to stay on topic a Aug 7, 2022 · Soft prompts, also known as "modules", are small (usually less than 10 megabytes) binary files that can adjust the behaviour and textual biases of your model. Depends on the resources available at that specific moment. Step 3: The cup is taken and placed inside the microwave. This is an expansion merge to the well praised Mythomax model from Gryphe (60%) using MrSeeker's KoboldAI Holodeck model (40%) The goal of this model is to enhance story writing capabilities while preserving the desirable traits of the Mythomax model as much as possible (It does limit chat 4-After the updates are finished, run the file play. 5-0. Use any preset that works for you. KoboldAI - Your gateway to GPT writing. Presets & Results. • 2 yr. So you can have a look at all of them and decide which one you like best. PJ 04 – LA Just wondering what model gives the best results for response length, description, and doesn't go off-topic, thanks! Codespaces. Multiply the number of GB of VRAM your GPU has by 4 and enter that number into "GPU Layers". Since the last snapshot the backend has been overhauled completely and now supports BitsandBytes 4-bit. Most of the screenshots are also taken at bodyweight 0, as this is the most realistic for a kobold-style creature. 5 Share. The client 198. As well as how good/great your character cards and instruct prompts are written, and what you want from the model. Roughly 1 in 7 Pricing. /start. 4 to 0. Adventure Mode: AIDungeon styled interactive fiction, choose-your-own-adventure, describe an action and the AI narrates the result. AI Settings. It generates really good dialogue for me, and writes first person good. Jan 23, 2024 · Install Kobold AI United. Chat Mode is best for chat conversations with the AI. So just to name a few the following can be pasted in the model name field: - KoboldAI/OPT-13B-Nerys-v2. KoboldAI/LLaMA2-13B-Erebus-v3. 7 stuff. I had Erebus end a story with the Archive of Our own Review submit text, and also the review itself. Taking my With AI Powered Adaptive Presets, you can now quickly hover over my presets and see different versions of your sky. Reload to refresh your session. Example: Anna - Anna is a computer. May 17, 2023 · Pygmalion 7B is the model that was trained on C. My guess is you're trying to run Kobold's default 13B Erebus, not quantised so needs loads of memory, and you don't have enough. Aug 4, 2023 · Best Model for NSFW in Colab? I tried the the GPTxAlpaca (which was alright, but the bot doesn't really narrate) and the OPT13bNerybus (which was really strange. It seems like it's pretty good from what I have heard. But especially on the NSFW side a lot of people stopped bothering because Erebus does a great job in the tagging system. To boil it down: Kobold v1. Select "Save" to download and save your current light schedule (it will now appear as an available preset) 5. This is a fork of KoboldAI that implements 4bit GPTQ quantized support to include Llama. 7B (Older Janeway)". LightSaveUs opened this issue on Oct 9, Here is where you need it. The way you play and how good the AI will be depends on the model or service you decide to use. Anyhow, I just tried a several prompts in Silly Tavern, using GUI Kobold AI as my preset. This is a built-in preset and cannot be saved. I think the model is config in such a way, that makes it inferior to skein for what ever reason. Reply reply Top 7% Rank by size . The default of 0. alpindale. But no more Past 2 days, it's start acting strange. UI Settings. It is a client-server setup where the client is a web interface and the server runs the AI model. Also the horde constantly changes. There are indeed good options listed in comments other wrote, but this is for the "gimme now" people who don't want to visit github or do downloads. Train. get the biggest one that will fit on your gpu you can split between gpus if you load the model in text-generation-webui, use the gpu-split option, and then Presets: We now have presets for 6B and 13B models. e. Now it's less likely to want to talk about something new. Description: “Evelyn” is a preset that transforms your language model into a romantic partner. I've tired multiple settings, lowering max tokens etc, and the respond is just Run install_requirements. - Min P: 0. 8 but I’m not sure whether that helps You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. facebook/bart-large-cnn. 6. Feb 18, 2023 · I actually was able to get an answer in the TAI discord, Tavern will not make use of those fields, and I was told it may even break it, by manually turning them on in the JSON files. Rep pen range 1024. tboy1977 • Man, I didn't realize the NSFW AI writers were such trash. dev/local-installation-(gpu)/koboldai4bit/If link doesn't work - ht Hi guys, I'm lately using Mythoboros 13b in a colab, It's very good and I'm having fun with it. There is no balance of dialogues, narrations and actions. You can get away with AI that has a little bit Best Kobold preset for Austism/chronos-hermes-13b . For inquiries, please contact the KoboldAI community. Or maybe something to do with the collab, i don't know really. Check around online for more info on what presets are best for what tasks. The best part Introduction. I mention it just enough to keep the association connections to "Lorax" active and reconnect if it's important. 65, Repetition penalty: 1. (This KoboldAI is an open-source project that allows users to run AI models locally on their own hardware. HibikiAss. KoboldAI is free, but can be complicated to set up. I'm currently using the "GPU-Pygmalion-6b" Preset in the Silly Tavern settings. Once the menu appears there are 2 presets we can pick from. • 1 yr. These presets are a fairly simple customization that make your argonian character super small - around waist-height for most npcs. Apr 3, 2023 · After comparing LLaMA and Alpaca models deterministically, I've now done a similar comparison of different settings/presets for oobabooga's text-generation-webui with ozcur/alpaca-native-4bit. It starts very very well just as I intend it to be. It was built by finetuning MPT-7B with a context length of 65k tokens on a filtered fiction subset of the books3 dataset . I've tested all but this actually lives up to its name. Run koboldcpp. r/JanitorAI_Official. #koboldai #koboldai #koboldaitutorial #koboldaiapiurl #koboldai apiTavern AI:https://github. Especially if you put relevant tags in the authors notes field you can customize that model to your liking. At inference time, thanks to ALiBi, MPT-7B-StoryWriter-65k+ can extrapolate even beyond 65k tokens. The settings presets created in NovelAI for the Sigurd model. Even when I disable multiline replies in kobold and enabled single line mode in tavern, I can sill see the entire 200 token's worth of generated text in the terminal it's running in. So far it has been working. Please input Claude API URL and Key. In a tiny package (under 1 MB compressed with no dependencies except python), excluding model weights. 5 temp for crazy responses. International-Try467. Click here if you'd like to create a copy of this preset. To try this, use the TPU colab and paste. Presets You can try these, and maybe adjust them to your liking. bat to start Kobold AI. I‘m no expert at all but personally i don’t set temperature that high without other samplers. cpp and adds a versatile Kobold API endpoint, as well as KoboldCpp is an easy-to-use AI text-generation software for GGML models. You can now select the 8bit models in the webui via "AI > Load a model from its directory". Introduction KoboldAI is a powerful platform that harnesses the capabilities of various local and remote AI models to assist writers in generating text. 0 (Disabled) - Top K: 0 (Disabled) Jun 14, 2023 · KoboldAI expects a bit more handholding, but also gives you more power to do it, with the knowledge that it will also be able to incorporate more of your past history in future outputs. Highlight previously selected models and workers when revisiting the AI panel. Artificial intelligence (AI) is fast becoming a part of our everyday lives, even if we are not always aware of it. Prevents the browser from suspending Kobold Lite by The marble remains at the bottom of the cup due to gravity. Changelog of KoboldAI Lite 2 Mar 2023: Added option to beep when generation is completed. 0-GGML with kobold cpp. ) but I wonder if there are better options? I run it on Termux android. Airochronos should be good, but I haven't managed to get it working satisfactorily yet. New issue. For the third value, Mirostat learning rate (eta), I have no recommendation and so far have simply used the default of 0. The number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k Also know as Adventure 2. In this mode, just treat all the text area as a collaboration between you and the AI. net you can see the model list with the ETA times, other clients may or may not do this. bat and see if after a while a browser window opens. cpp, and adds a versatile Kobold API endpoint, additional format support, Stable Diffusion image generation, backward compatibility, as well as a fancy UI with persistent stories, editing Tavern AI is an AI-powered chat bot that provides an interactive and engaging platform for users to chat with various characters. It utilizes Kobold AI in the background for seamless conversations. Model description. at the very minimum. 1, Repetition penalty range: 1024, Top P Sampling: 0. the computer The token limit is set by the model you use, and not pyTorch or the amount of Ram or Vram your system has. Training procedure. Preferably those focused around hypnosis, transformation, and possession. Text version - https://docs. Image to generation here. Like, Silly taven correctly conneted via API to oobabooga, I had a model downloaded and responding, but the responses Apr 14, 2023 · Not OpenAI, I'm using kobald on sillytavernai! If you guys have the best settings for sillytavernai, please tell me! I want a good response for the AI! Here are my settings for Tavern, not necessarily the best. Censored JLLM Model for SFW/Limited bots in the (near) future. Deploy. world_scenario. CuBLAS = Best performance for What does it mean? You get an embedded llama. The most successful soft prompts are those that align the AI's output with a literary genre, fictional You are using the models aphrodite/KoboldAI/LLaMA2-13B-Psyfighter2, aphrodite/KoboldAI/LLaMA2-13B-Psyfighter2, aphrodite/NeverSleep_Noromaid-20b KoboldAI/Mistral-7B-Erebus-v3. Two models can have quite different coherency with the same temperature. It's a single self contained distributable from Concedo, that builds off llama. SpiritUnification. Pythia has some curious properties, it can go from promisingly highly coherent to derp in 0-60 flat, but that still shows Evelyn Preset. Need help with settings (SillyTavern + Kobold) I’ve tweaked with them a bit but the same 3 problems. With Tavern AI, you can experience different chat styles, customize characters, and explore a variety of presets. An unofficial place to discuss the unfiltered AI chatbot Pygmalion, as well as other open-source AI chatbots Members Online. New comments cannot be posted. GPT, AI models provides by OpenRouter, and some models I test online, all failed my input. Your connection WILL be proxied. 5f2600d. Model card Files Community. 0 license. Edit model card. 5 can give pretty boring and generic responses that aren't properly in line with Is there any good Kobold models for SFW/NSFW that can hold decent context sizes? Is there any models that are good for all around things, How do I use Kobold ai in Janitor ai chat, step by step guidance please (no Google Colab because it Any good slow burn NSFW models out there? I'm running SillyTavernAI with KoboldAI linked to it, so if I understand it correctly, Kobold is doing the work and SillyTavern is basically the UI. Now that I have set up my PC as (non-productive) horde worker, it seems that it is the workers that decide what models to run. g. Selected: None (Built-in) Not fun at all. Other models I tried (including the default) have too much inconsistency and errors. I'm tested all default webui presets and some self-made. It writes in a predictive way using its imagination (training data in reality) and you're here to steer the direction, correct errors, etc. sh. No guarantee that it will be better but these setting worked pretty well with different models before I Open-source AI chat with seamless integration to your preferred AI services Pick from an easy selection of curated generation presets, or configure your own. Resulting in this model having a great ability to produce evocative storywriting and follow a narrative. The sample I tried is: KoboldCpp is an easy-to-use AI text-generation software for GGML and GGUF models. It cuts off at the end. OP • 5 mo. Members Online Guys how can I get the bots into POVs Silly Tavern is an interface which you can use to chat with your AI Characters. Number of tokens the AI should generate. Install it somewhere with at least 20 GB of space free Go to the install location and run the file named play. Soft prompts, also known as "modules", are small (usually less than 10 megabytes) binary files that can adjust the behaviour and textual biases of Experimenting with different soft prompts can lead to exciting and unique results. Prevents the browser from suspending Kobold Lite by If it is still actual, I've wandered with the same question last days and that is my results: For D&D/roleplay-like story sample the best results for me had two models: philschmid/bart-large-cnn-samsum. Added Mirostat UI to settings panel, which can be enabled for valid backends. In my experience right now, off the top of my head, I would say Erebus 20b is maybe 35% amount "there" for the responses to what I want. "Select Preset" allows you to import previously downloaded preset schedules. Unzip llama-7b-hf and/or llama-13b-hf into KoboldAI-4bit/models folder. (All other sampling methods are disabled) Give the AI a task, and it will try to fulfill the instruction. Not a Grad Filter that gueses where your sky is this actually shows the preset on YOUR sky regardless of the photo I created it with. Get Murf. The Assistant is very helpful and is eager to chat with Nov 20, 2023 · Explaining Kobold Presets. SillyTavern controls everything else. EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b. It offers the standard array of tools, Fork 11. 9 in oobabooga increases the output quality by a massive margin. Although I need to jump start it with gpt3. Default Preset. The marble continues to stay at the bottom of the cup under the influence of gravity. You connect sillytavern to the kobold server with the API URL in Training procedure. While Kobold AI They are the best of the best AI models currently available. The training hyperparameters and statistics can be found here. ago. bat as administrator. Yes, the SillyTavern compatible programs to run language models on your PC are Kobold and Ooba. Use the one that matches your GPU type. Without the modifications needed, your biggest enemy will be the AI modules themselves. With Erebus, characters behave like porn actors on stage, and the story stomps on the spot. Text Generation • Updated Jan 13 • 7. DO NOT INSTALL PYGMALION 6B YET, CHECK YOUR GPU FIRST, That's because you use open aiyou gotta use kobold ai, and to get an API key, you gotta create an account on kobold, then your API key will be generated, then copy that key, enter SillyTavern AI, select Kobold and be sure to have "use horde" checked, then paste the key and you're done, you can select and enjoy Pygmalion 7 Kobold AI is prettier, but doesn't work with these kind of models yet and the responses would be considerably slower. Disable all other samplers. Chronos Hermes is good, Chronoboros can be good, Mythoboros can be good but is less reliable than the others in my experience. Also some people on other threads were reccomending llama models but when I try to load these into While you remain anonymus, your prompts can be red by those volunteers. cpp, and adds a versatile Kobold API endpoint, additional format support, Stable Diffusion image generation, backward compatibility, as well as a fancy UI with persistent stories, editing So 5 is probably a good value for Llama 2 13B, as 6 is for Llama 2 7B and 4 is for Llama 2 70B. • 28 days ago. Actions. The Llama2 70B models are all pretty decent at RP, but unfortunately they all seem to prefer a much shorter response length (compared to old 65b finetunes) except for the base model, whose issue is that it'll give you code or author's notes or a poster name and date. bat” for online access. Your context is too low; ie you aren't sending Preset samplers orders changed to follow main client, new preset "Inverted Mirror" added. Reply. ayo this sub got like overrun with some rogue mod so join r/pgymalion_ai so you can get actual answers because people are moving ship fast. After posting about the new SillyTavern release and it's newly included, model-agnostic Roleplay instruct mode preset, there was a discussion about if every model should be prompted accordingly to the prompt format established during training/finetuning for best results, or if a generic universal prompt can deliver great results model-independently. Speechify 🥈Best AI Voice Changer For Quality & Customization. I'm trying to do an adventure role play on the collabs kobold, and I was looking into a good NSFW model, so far I have only played around with nerybus. KoboldAI/Mistral-7B-Erebus-v3. Based on my experimentation, models such as Pygmalion tend to be much more verbose in Oobabooga than in KoboldAI. However, after a specific period, it starts writing novels going out of the realm of roleplay. So seductive will talk her into having sex with you. Tavern AI is a versatile chatbot that uses Kobold AI in the background for its conversations. The name "Erebus" comes from the greek mythology, also named "darkness". GPT-NeoX-20B-Skein was trained on a TPUv3-32 TPU pod using a heavily modified version of Ben Wang's Mesh Transformer JAX library, the original version of which was used by EleutherAI to train their GPT-J-6B model. Compare. Open the myAI app and select your tank. Instant dev environments Fueled by huge technological advances in recent years and gobs of venture capitalist money, AI has become one of the hottest corporate buzzwords. More posts you may like r/StableDiffusion. Hmm maybe I should write a kai story about young adventurers trying to optimize kai to save the world. Other: Any other notable good or bad points. If you don't mind waiting a few minutes and you have 8GB of ram and a decent CPU on your box, you can use the 6B models though. LLaMA2-13B-Tiefighter. UI Style Select ? Select your preferred UI style, which affects text formatting and display. zip to a location you wish to install KoboldAI, you will need roughly 20GB of free space for the installation (this does not include the models). One of the unique features of Janitor AI is its NSFW chat mode, which caters to a wide range of emotional needs. Questions I have : I wondered why the list of available models keeps changing. thanks bro! On https://lite. Most of the time, I run TheBloke/airoboros-l2-13b-gpt4-m2. Any help is appreciated, thank you! Jun 23, 2023 · Introduction to KoboldAI. koboldai. This is the second generation of the original Shinen made by Mr. Some work with Default but others, like ChatML require the matching "ChatML" Context Template. Kobold is capable of splitting the load. OpenAI API. KoboldAI is not an AI on its own, its a project where you can bring an AI model yourself. Assets 4. They give the AI some guidance and direction on how to generate the text and respond to your input. Anyway, that really just leaves me with Kobold Ai, so my question This is a built-in preset and cannot be saved. A place to discuss the SillyTavern fork of TavernAI. 3-0. Integration of Kobold AI. 9 Top K: 80. Sillytavern doesn’t use the model directly, it just tells kobold what you type, formatted in a way that kobold and the model it’s running can understand. I have been playing around with Koboldcpp for writing stories and chats. Kobold AI Old UI. li jd ki lj lh mm kq dm tb tp